
Scaling Impact Investment for Sustainable Development Goals: An Empirical Analysis

Authors: Seema Tewari (Amity University, India) , Harjit Singh (Amity University, India) , Shobhit Wadhwa (Ni-Met Metals Inc., Canada) , Deepak Tandon (International Management Institute, India)

  • Scaling Impact Investment for Sustainable Development Goals: An Empirical Analysis


    Scaling Impact Investment for Sustainable Development Goals: An Empirical Analysis

    Authors: , , ,


Impact Investing is a community of investors willing to create social and environmental impact along with financial returns by investing either directly with Base of Pyramid[1] (BoP) enterprises or indirectly through enterprises that help in creating impact by investing in BoP organizations. Adoption of SDGs[2] quantified the expectation paradigm of the global community for social, environmental and economic achievable and projected/targeted achievement of SDGs by 2030 made the governments, businesses, institutions daunted with the task in hand hence, it is imperative for investing community to contribute its share as well. With high social need and underserved population India has become a test bed for impact investing. However, with increasing impact investing, Impact Measurement and Management (IMM) gains significant importance as it allows investors to evaluate impact and channelize fund to most effective solutions. The present study conducted for year 2019 not only attempts to explore impact investing landscape in India and its future dimension but it simultaneously does content analysis of impact report of investors using impact value chain[3] and indicators developed on the basis of SDGs targets and indicators. The analysis aims to establish a link between developed indicators and impact, the link once established, developed indicators will provide agile, cost effective, quantifiable and measurable basis to impact that has worldwide acceptance.

[1]Base of Pyramid refers to the poorest two-third of the economic human pyramid living in abject poverty.

[2]SDGs, adopted in 2015 by all UN member states, are universally accepted goals and targets under goals to guide sustainable development and create a sustainable world for all.

[3]Impact Value chain is a tool build on theory of change to illustrate how enterprise activities lead to desired outcome and impact by setting a relationship between activities, output, outcome and impact.

Keywords: Impact Investing, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Impact Measurement, Impact Metrics, Indicators

How to Cite:

Tewari, S., Singh, H., Wadhwa, S. & Tandon, D., (2021) “Scaling Impact Investment for Sustainable Development Goals: An Empirical Analysis”, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 15(5), 4-21. doi:

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Published on
15 Oct 2021