
The Audit Committee Characteristics and Earnings Quality: Evidence from Jordan

Authors: Allam Mohammed Mousa Hamdan (Ahlia University, Bahrain) , Sabri Maher Sabri Mushtaha (AL-Quds Open University, Palestine) , Abd Almuttaleb Mohammed Al-Sartawi (Ahlia University, Bahrain)

  • The Audit Committee Characteristics and Earnings Quality: Evidence from Jordan


    The Audit Committee Characteristics and Earnings Quality: Evidence from Jordan

    Authors: , ,


The aim of the paper is to investigate the relationship between audit committee characteristics and earnings management. Samples in the study included 50 industrial companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange ASE. Two models were used to measure earnings quality: one which depends on earnings continuity as an indication of quality, and one which depends on the decrease of discretionary accruals of quality, using pooled data regression for the two tests (Ordinary Least Squares OLS and Binary Logit). The study found that there was an influence of some standard characteristics of the audit committee on earnings quality.

Keywords: Audit Committee Characteristics, Earnings Quality, Amman Stock Exchange

How to Cite:

Hamdan, A. M., Mushtaha, S. M. & Al-Sartawi, A. M., (2013) “The Audit Committee Characteristics and Earnings Quality: Evidence from Jordan”, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 7(4), 51-80. doi:

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Published on
31 Dec 2013