
Client Intimacy & Performance Advice: Determinants of Trust in the Public Accountant - SME Client Relationship

Authors: Michael Cherry (Charles Sturt University) , Dianne McGrath (Charles Sturt University, Albury, Australia) , Chris Baumann (Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia & Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea)

  • Client Intimacy & Performance Advice: Determinants of Trust in the Public Accountant - SME Client Relationship


    Client Intimacy & Performance Advice: Determinants of Trust in the Public Accountant - SME Client Relationship

    Authors: , ,


This multi-discipline research investigated the determinants of trust in the relationship between Australia’s public accountants and their small and medium-sized (SME) clients. In excess of four hundred SME owners, across Australia, were surveyed to test a proposed model and client intimacy variables were found to be the most significant predictors of trust in this important relationship. Offer-related variables, primarily the provision of advisory or performance-related services (rather than conformance-related services), were also found to be significant, however, at a lesser level than client intimacy and relationship variables. The multi-dimensionality of the trust construct was also highlighted.

Keywords: Trust, trust multi-dimensionality, public accountant, SME, conformance services, performance services, client intimacy, advisory services.

How to Cite:

Cherry, M., McGrath, D. & Baumann, C., (2018) “Client Intimacy & Performance Advice: Determinants of Trust in the Public Accountant - SME Client Relationship”, Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 12(1), 3-32. doi:

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Published on
03 May 2018