Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013


Editorial Volume 7 Issue 4

Ciorstan Smark, Greg Laing and Ron Perrin

2013-12-17 Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 1-2

Auditing Litigation and Claims: Conflicts and the Compromise of Privilege

Harleen Kaur and Sandra van der Laan

2013-12-31 Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 3-16

Determinants of the Strength of Auditing and Reporting Standards: a Cross-Country Study

Pran Krishansing Boolaky, Chandrasekhar Krishnamurti and Ariful Hoque

2013-12-31 Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 17-36

The Imperfect Match of Public Accountability of State-Owned Enterprises and Private-Sector-Type Financial Reporting: The Case of Italy

Francesco Capalbo and Ricardo Palumbo

2013-12-31 Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 37-50

The Audit Committee Characteristics and Earnings Quality: Evidence from Jordan

Allam Mohammed Mousa Hamdan, Sabri Maher Sabri Mushtaha and Abd Almuttaleb Mohammed Al-Sartawi

2013-12-31 Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 51-80

Alternative Representation of Management Control Design: an empirical exploration and critical analysis

Jim Rooney

2013-12-31 Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 81-96

Public Sector Financial Management Reform: A Case Study of Local Government Agencies in Indonesia

Monir Mir and Wahyu Sutiyono

2013-12-31 Volume 7 • Issue 4 • 2013 • 97-117