Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023


Could the Theory of Planned Behaviour Explain Market Discipline in Sharia Mutual Funds?

Umi Widyastuti, Erie Febrian, Sutisna Sutisna and Tettet Fitrijanti

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 3-20

The Impact of IFRS 9 on Financial Reporting during Covid-19 from the Point of View of Experts in Europe

Ildikó Orbán and Oday Tamimi

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 21-36

Do Shadow Banking Depositors Discipline the Market?

Vera Intanie Dewi, Nury Effendi, Mokhamad Anwar, Sulaeman Rahman Nidar, Tettet Fitrijanti and Benny Tjandrasa

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 37-59

Moderation of Political Pressure on the Determinants of Audit Quality in the Public Sector: A Study of BPK Auditors for the Maluku and North Sulawesi Regions

Suriana AR Mahdi, N. Nurkholis, Yeney Widya Prihatiningtias and Zaki Baridwan

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 60-72

The Development of Small and Medium-sized Businesses and its Impact on the Trend of Unemployment in Kazakhstan

Toty Bekzhanova, Murat Aliyev, Gulmira Tussibayeva, Miyatbek Altynbekov and Aigul Akhmetova

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 73-99

Determinants of Pension Fund’s Required Return: A Scenario-based simulation of Civil Service Pension Fund

Muhammad Irfan and Wee-Yeap Lau

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 100-127

Wealth Impact of Unit Rights Offerings to Debt Holders: Evidence from Australia

Siti Nurhidayah Mohd Roslen, Cheng Fan Fah and Norhuda Abdul Rahim

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 128-148

Integrated Reporting Implementation in the Health Sector Industry

Dini Wahjoe Hapsari and Khalisha Azzahra Khairunnisa

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 149-162

Joining or Exiting the Defined Benefit Division Superannuation Scheme of UniSuper

John Christie

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 163-172

The Moderating Role of Risk Monitoring Committee on the Effect of Risk Disclosure on Financial Performance in Islamic Banks

Laely Aghe Africa and Dian Agustia

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 173-191

Does Internal Control Promote Employee Engagement Drivers? A Systematic Literature Review

Haryanto Haryanto, Harry Suharman, Poppy S. Koeswayo and Haryono Umar

2023-07-11 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 192-203

Transparency in International Anti-Corruption Helpdesk Answers: A Case Study in Timor-Leste

Pascoal da Costa Oliveira, B. Basuki and H. Hamidah

2023-07-13 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 204-222

Audit Quality Improvement and the Role of Risk: Audit as a Moderator

Edy Sujana and Nyoman Ari Surya Dharmawan

2023-07-13 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 223-238


Editorial Volume 17, Issue 4

Ciorstan Smark and Monir Mir

2023-06-27 Volume 17 • Issue 4 • 2023 • 1-2