Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022


Determinants of Consumer Confidence Index to Predict the Economy in Indonesia

Benny Budiawan Tjandrasa and Vera Intanie Dewi

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 3-13

Mediating Effect of Earnings Management on Financial Performance: The Importance of Good Corporate Governance

Fahmi Rizani, Akhmad Yafiz Syam and L. Lisandri

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 14-28

Capital Structure Determinants During the Sovereign Debt Crisis Period

Krishna Reddy, Nawazish Mirza and Noel Yahanpath

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 29-63

Professional Considerations for Audit Risk in Creating Smart Governance in Indonesia

Made Sudarma and Lely Kumalawati

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 64-82

A Study of the Accounting System and Standards in Bulgaria

Stefania Vignini

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 83-114

The Market Reaction to Corporate News in Emerging Markets: Evidence from India

Nayanjyoti Bhattacharjee and Anupam De

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 115-130

Banking Stability and Shadow banking: "New Overview for the United States"

José Alejandro Fernández Fernández

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 131-152

Independent Directors: The Contrasting Cases of Australia and Bangladesh

Philippa Wells and Abdul Moyeen

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 153-179

The Impact of Corporate ESG Performance Disclosure across Australian Industries

Amir Gholami, John Sands and Syed Shams

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 180-200

The Application of Critical Discourse Analysis to Explore the use of Language and Speech Acts in a Public Sector Accountability Process

Leanda Garvie, Michelle Joubert and Greg Jones

2022-10-30 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 201-217


Editorial Volume 16 Issue 4

Ciorstan Smark and Monir Mir

2022-10-28 Volume 16 • Issue 4 • 2022 • 1-2