Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 2015


Editorial Volume 9, Issue 2

Monir Mir

2015-07-01 Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 2015 • 1-3

Exploring Determinants to Explain Aspects of Individual Investors’ Financial Behaviour

Salam Abdallah and Khalil Hilu

2015-07-01 Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 2015 • 4-22

The Role of Government in MSMEs:The Empowerment of MSMEs During the Free Trade Era in Indonesia

Dhian Kusumawardhani, Amy Y. Rahayu and Irfan Ridwan Maksum

2015-07-01 Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 2015 • 23-42

A Comparison Between a Dynamic and Static Approach to Asset Management Using CAPM Models on the Australian Securities Market

Paul Mazzola and Dionigi Gerace

2015-07-01 Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 2015 • 43-58

The Asian Development Model and Mining Reforms in Indonesia

John Passant, John McLaren, Parulian Silaen and Ananda Wickramasinghe

2015-07-01 Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 2015 • 59-78

Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility in an Emerging Economy: Through the Lens of Legitimacy Theory

Asit Bhattacharyya

2015-07-01 Volume 9 • Issue 2 • 2015 • 79-92