Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020


Special Issue on Business and Public Administration in Indonesia: Advancing Business and Public Administration in the Age of Innovation

Cacik Rut Damayanti, Ciorstan Smark and Monir Mir

2020-02-28 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 1-4

Rural Tourism: A Local Economic Development

Trisetia Wijijayanti, Yuli Agustina, Agung Winarno, Lulu Nurul Istanti and Buyung Adi Dharma

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 5-13

The Moderating Effect of an Anti-corruption Campaign on the Relation between Political Connections and Investment Behavior - The Case of Chinese Listed Firms

Nur Imamah, Tsui-Jung Lin, S. Suhadak and Jung-Hua Hung

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 14-32

The Reform of Public Service Bureaucracy in the Investment Sector Within the Pentahelix Perspective: A New Hope in the Era of Autonomy?

S. Sumartono and H. Hermawan

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 33-45

Penta-Helix and Quintuple-Helix in the Management of Tourism Villages in Yogyakarta City

Rumsari Hadi Sumarto, S. Sumartono, M.R. Khairul Muluk and Muhammad Nuh

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 46-57

The Trade-offs Budget of Archipelagic Local Government in Indonesia

Moh Said, Bambang Supriyono, Mujibur Rahman Khairul Muluk and Bambang Santoso Haryono

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 58-70

Alleviating Poverty through Social Innovation

Agung N.L.I. Fahrudi

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 71-78

Social Capital Analysis of the Engagement Culture Towards Reducing IMRs and MMRs: A Study of the Pandalungan Community. A Technical Note

Farida Nurani, M. Mardiyono, Bambang Supriyono and Andy Fefta Wijaya

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 79-87

The Mediating Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure on Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Firm Value. A Technical Note

Saparila Worokinasih and Muhammad Lutfi Zuhdi bin Mohamad Zaini

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 88-96

Maturity Model Matrix of Information Governance in the Republic of Indonesia Public Television Broadcasting Institution. A Technical Note

Nurul Janah and Nina Mayesti

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 97-104

Brief Technical Note: The Influence of Exchange Rates on Inflation, Interest Rates and the Composite Stock Price Index: Indonesia 2015 - 2018

S. Suhadak and Amanda Dwi Suciany

2020-02-27 Volume 14 • Issue 1 • 2020 • 105-120