Volume 14 • Issue 2 • 2020


Editorial Volume 14 Issue 2

Ciorstan Smark and Monir Mir

2020-04-27 Volume 14 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 1-2

The Interaction Effect of Heuristic Representation on Initial Public Offering Anomaly: Evidence from Flipping Activity

Hon-Wei Leow and Wee-Yeap Lau

2020-04-27 Volume 14 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 3-15

CEO & CFO Education and R&D Investment in Indonesia

Iman Harymawan, Mohammad Nasih, Dian Agustia, Melinda Cahyaning Ratri and John Nowland

2020-04-27 Volume 14 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 16-34

Emerging Corporate Disclosure of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) Risks: An Australian Study

Chitra S de Silva Lokuwaduge and Keshara de Silva

2020-04-27 Volume 14 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 35-50

Determinants of Pro-environmental Behaviours – A Cross Country Study of Would-be Managers

Asit Bhattacharyya, Kumar Biswas and Abdul Moyeen

2020-04-27 Volume 14 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 51-71

Financial and Social Well-being Performance after Privatisation of the Port of Brisbane: A Case Study

Mudiyanselage Upali Ranjith Jayasundara, Greg Jones and John Sands

2020-04-27 Volume 14 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 72-93