
How to Help when it Hurts: ACT Individually (and in Groups)

Author: Cheryl E Abbate (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

  • How to Help when it Hurts: ACT Individually (and in Groups)


    How to Help when it Hurts: ACT Individually (and in Groups)



In a recent article, Corey Wrenn argues that in order to adequately address injustices done to animals, we ought to think systemically. Her argument stems from a critique of the individualist approach I employ to resolve a moral dilemma faced by animal sanctuaries, who sometimes must harm some animals to help others. But must systemic critiques of injustice be at odds with individualist approaches? In this paper, I respond to Wrenn by showing how individualist approaches that take seriously the notion of group responsibility can be deployed to solve complicated dilemmas that are products of injustice. Contra Wrenn, I argue that to adequately address injustice, acting individually, often within groups, is significantly more important than thinking systemically.

Keywords: animal rights, animal sanctuaries, harming, hunting, respect

How to Cite:

Abbate, C. E., (2020) “How to Help when it Hurts: ACT Individually (and in Groups)”, Animal Studies Journal 9(1), 170-200. doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2020