
A Novel Argument for Vegetarianism? Zoopolitics and Respect for Animal Corpses

Author: Josh Milburn (University of Sheffield)

  • A Novel Argument for Vegetarianism? Zoopolitics and Respect for Animal Corpses


    A Novel Argument for Vegetarianism? Zoopolitics and Respect for Animal Corpses



This paper offers a novel argument against the eating of meat: the zoopolitical case for vegetarianism. The argument is, in brief, that eating meat involves the disrespect of an animal’s corpse, and this is respect that the animal is owed because they are a member of our political community. At least three features of this case are worthy of note. First, it draws upon political philosophy, rather than moral philosophy. Second, it is a case for vegetarianism, and not a case for veganism. Third, while it is animal-focussed, it does not rely upon a claim about the wrong of inflicting death and suffering upon animals. The paper sets out the argument, responds to two challenges (that the argument is merely academic, and that the argument does not go far enough), and concludes by comparing the case to Cora Diamond’s classic argument for vegetarianism.

Keywords: Animal ethics, animal rights, animal politics, Zoopolis, food ethics, vegetarianism, veganism

How to Cite:

Milburn, J., (2020) “A Novel Argument for Vegetarianism? Zoopolitics and Respect for Animal Corpses”, Animal Studies Journal 9(2), 240-259. doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2020