
Humans, Insects and Their Interaction: A Multi-faceted Analysis

Authors: Raynald H. Lemelin (Lakehead University) , Rick W. Harper (University o Massachusetts - Amherst) , Jason Dampier (University of Winconsin) , Robert Bowles , Debbie Balika (Lakehead University)

  • Humans, Insects and Their Interaction: A Multi-faceted Analysis


    Humans, Insects and Their Interaction: A Multi-faceted Analysis

    Authors: , , , ,


By administering Personal Meaning of Insects Maps (PMIM) to participants from eastern Canada and northeastern United States, we examine how people’s perceptions of insects are often determined by childhood encounters, corporeal cues, and influenced by environmental preference during recreational activities, often resulting in inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and bias. While the purpose of this study was to acquire a greater understanding of these entanglements through visual maps, the goal of this paper is to disentangle these morasses by highlighting the various positive, negative, dialectic, and ambivalent aspects of how insects are perceived.

Keywords: insects, interactions, perceptions, qualitative research, visual maps

How to Cite:

Lemelin, R. H., Harper, R. W., Dampier, J., Bowles, R. & Balika, D., (2016) “Humans, Insects and Their Interaction: A Multi-faceted Analysis”, Animal Studies Journal 5(1), 65-79.

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Published on
01 Jun 2016