
Someone not Something: Dismantling the Prejudicial Barrier in Knowing Animals (and the Grief which Follows)

Author: Teya Brooks Pribac (University of Sydney; The Kerulos Center)

  • Someone not Something: Dismantling the Prejudicial Barrier in Knowing Animals (and the Grief which Follows)


    Someone not Something: Dismantling the Prejudicial Barrier in Knowing Animals (and the Grief which Follows)



Humans’ ideologically informed species segregation in their choice of corporeal comestibles leaves certain animals particularly vulnerable to depersonalisation and devaluation of their individual and social features and competencies. This reflects in the lack of attentional focus on these species in scientific inquiries as well as in the attitude of the general public towards these species, both of which determine political (in)action. With an emphasis on land animals bred and raised to satisfy the feeding and clothing demands of a large part of the human population, this essay explores the motivations and capacities of human rescuers and caregivers to know and relate to animals in sanctuary and rescue settings, and the emerging science which supports them.

Keywords: Animal emotions, inter-species communication, human-animal relations, sanctuary, trans-species psychology, vicarious trauma, carnism

How to Cite:

Brooks Pribac, T., (2016) “Someone not Something: Dismantling the Prejudicial Barrier in Knowing Animals (and the Grief which Follows)”, Animal Studies Journal 5(2), 52-77.

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Published on
01 Jan 2016