
Why is it Important to Use Flagship Species in Community Education? The Koala as a Case Study

Authors: Rolf Schlagloth (Central Queensland University) , Flavia Santamaria (Central Queensland University) , Barry Golding (Federation University Australia) , Hedley Thomson (Environmental Planning Consultant)

  • Why is it Important to Use Flagship Species in Community Education? The Koala as a Case Study


    Why is it Important to Use Flagship Species in Community Education? The Koala as a Case Study

    Authors: , , ,


Our paper investigates the conservation and planning implications of the use of an individual flagship species. The koala was chosen, as an example, in a community education intervention in a regional Australian city. Educating the community to accept changes in planning laws aimed at the protection of a single species such as the koala has never been an easy task. We examine the approach used to educate the Ballarat community in doing just that. We outline the power of this iconic Australian mammal, the koala, in promoting conservation and changes in planning regulations. We highlight the flow-on conservation and educational benefits of flagship and umbrella species in a world where conservation is very often overpowered by other interests and priorities.

How to Cite:

Schlagloth, R., Santamaria, F., Golding, B. & Thomson, H., (2018) “Why is it Important to Use Flagship Species in Community Education? The Koala as a Case Study”, Animal Studies Journal 7(1), 127-148.

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Published on
01 Jan 2018