
[Review] Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene Barbara Creed, Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene

Author: Siobhan O'Sullivan (University of New South Wales)

  • [Review] Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene Barbara Creed, Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene


    [Review] Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene Barbara Creed, Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene



Barbara Creed is well known for her contribution to the field of Film Studies, as well as feminist thought more generally. Books such as The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis (1993, Routledge) and Phallic Panic: Film, Horror and the Primal Uncanny (2005, University of Melbourne Press) established Creed as a leading international thinker. They also attest to Creed’s willingness to push boundaries and to take on challenging and controversial topics. In recent years Creed has turned her attention to the lives of nonhuman animals, and the multitude of ways in which humans engage with, oppress, and may learn from their nonhuman animal kin. Stray, Creed’s latest monograph, brings together many aspects of her work in an engaging, informed, challenging and complex way.

How to Cite:

O'Sullivan, S., (2018) “[Review] Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene Barbara Creed, Stray: Human-Animal Ethics in the Anthropocene”, Animal Studies Journal 7(1), 327-329.

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Published on
01 Jan 2018