
Content guidelines

Scholars from all areas of human-animal studies are welcome to submit an original article to be considered for publication in ASJ. We also accept submissions of creative work and reviews. The author should own the copyright to the work being submitted. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain copyright clearances for images etc if required.

General Submission Rules

Submitted articles should not have been published previously, nor be forthcoming in a journal print or electronic. In addition, by submitting material to ASJ the author asserts that the material is not currently under review at another journal electronic or print and that s/he will not submit the material to another journal electronic or print until the completion of the editorial decision process at ASJ. The author agrees that any subsequent publication of the same material will acknowledge its first publication in ASJ.

Reviews are sourced by invitation only – our usual practice is not to accept unsolicited reviews.

Length of contributions is 4,000 – 7,000 words (plus or minus 10%). Please note: the maximum word length we can accept is 7,700 words. Reviews should be no less than 1000 words and no more than 3500.

Please submit an abstract (up to 250 words) and keywords with your submission, on a separate page.


  • Font: Times New Roman 12 point for body text, titles and footnotes
  • Document should be space and a half
  • Page numbers: centre numbers at the bottom of the page in Times
  • New Roman 12 point and begin with 1
  • Separate cover page for the name and contact details of the author, including postal address
  • Separate page for abstract (approx. 300 words)
  • Single inverted commas for quotes and article titles
  • Em dashes: Please ignore MLA style (section 3.2.5) and instead use em dashes with a space before and after eg. – dash –. Mac users should key option dash for the em dash
  • No full stop after abbreviations which end with the final letter of the word. Thus bk rather than bk. and vols rather than vols
  • Insert colon before indented quotes
  • Punctuation after quotes: put the quotation mark outside the punctuation mark when it follows a whole sentence. When it follows only part of a sentence or a few words, the quotation mark goes inside

Referencing style

Follow current MLA Handbook – parenthetical documentation and a list of Works Cited. A useful style guide for MLA is available at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01 Please ensure that your work conforms to this before submission.

Footnote numbering in Arabic

File format

Word file authorname.doc or rtf file authorname.rtf


Images are welcome and should be supplied separately in .jpg format and fully captioned with permissions noted


When referring to animals the journal follows the practice of using the pronouns 'he', 'she' etc. We do NOT accept reference to animals as 'it', etc .

Referee process

All submissions will initially be reviewed by the editor and associate editors and if accepted at this first stage will then be sent for double blind peer review before a final decision is taken.

Author revisions

Please provide a detailed account of all revisions made when you resubmit a revised paper after consulting the reports we provide from the peer reviewers.