Animal Studies Journal

animal studies journal

Animal Studies Journal provides a forum for current research in the field of animal Studies. ASJ publishes international cross-disciplinary scholarship and practice-led research. The journal, which is published twice yearly, is fully refereed (double-blind peer reviewed) and open access. ISSN: 2201-3008 (Online). DOI:

Chief editor: Dr Melissa Boyde, University of Wollongong 

Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal

australasian accounting, business and finance journal

The Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal is a double blind peer reviewed academic journal. The AABFJ publishes interdisciplinary research which informs a range of business-related fields. These include accounting, finance and financial planning research. We are included on the Web of Science's Emerging Sources Citation Index. AABFJ holds a B ranking on the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) journal list. We are ranked Q2 under Scimago and our articles appear in the Scopus database. We are signatories to the SDG Publishers Compact. 

RadioDoc Review

radiodoc review

RadioDoc Review (RDR) is the only journal dedicated to the rich culture of audio documentaries, narrative podcasts, audio features and other examples of the crafted factual form (sometimes called ‘built speech’) around the world.

Audio documentary and narrative podcasts are flourishing, with huge numbers of talented and creative journalists and producers making content for global audiences for broadcast, streaming and podcast. This is giving rise to a growing field of scholarship and education.

RadioDoc Review plays an important role in supporting that growth. We aim to promote high quality criticism and to develop theory and praxis-based analysis of the craft of factual audio and audio storytelling more broadly. We provide a platform for debate among the international community of podcasters, audio documentary producers, broadcast industry professionals and academics.

We are based at the University of Wollongong, Australia but run by an editorial board of makers and academics from around the world, including Indonesia, the US, Australia, Mexico and the UK.

Law Text Culture

law text culture

Law Text Culture is a transcontinental, open access, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which aims to produce fresh insights and knowledges about law and jurisprudence across three interconnected axes:

  • Politics: engaging the relationship of force and resistance;
  • Aesthetics: eliciting the relationship of judgment and expression;
  • Ethics: exploring the relationship of self and other.

Law Text Culture publishes an annual thematic special issue, curated by guest editors selected by the editorial board. Each issue explores its theme across a range of genres, with scholarly essays and articles sitting alongside visual and literary engagements. In this way, Law Text Culture excites unique intersectional and interdisciplinary encounters with law in all its forms.

For proposals and applications information about submitting to upcoming volumes see call for submissions.

For further information about the scholarly remit of the journal, please contact the Managing Editor.