

Authors: R. Handley (University of Wollongong) , P. Pether (University of Wollongong) , J. Pugliese (University of Wollongong) , M. Scott (University of Wollongong) , J. Robinson (University of Wollongong) , C. Hough (University of Wollongong)

  • Introduction



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Contemporary culture is currently characterised by distinct movements both from within and without universities which are questioning, rethinking, and rewriting the parameters and ground of traditional academic disciplines. Law/Text/Culture situates itself within this mobile and changing cultural context; it seeks to enable the articulation of the issues and development of the theories and practices generated by disciplinary crossings between fields and bodies of knowledge that have traditionally been seen as discrete and autonomous. Law/Text/Culture is a journal committed to producing intersections of the law, textuality and all aspects of culture. It publishes work across a range of genres - from artwork to the traditional scholarly essay. It invites work which crosses borders - of genres and institutions, as well as disciplines and fields. The journal accepts work from people working outside and inside traditional educational and legal settings. Law/Text/Culture is particularly concerned with both the law's textuality, that is, the specific textual forms by which the law circulates within a culture, and also the multiplicity of texts and subjects which the law touches and shapes, and which, in turn, impact on and change the law. This differentiates Law/Text/Culture from other interdisciplinary journals devoted to the fields of law and the humanities and law and literature.

How to Cite:

Handley, R., Pether, P., Pugliese, J., Scott, M., Robinson, J. & Hough, C., (1994) “Introduction”, Law Text Culture 1(1), 6-7. doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 1994