
Law, History and Postcolonial Theory and Method

Authors: Nan Seuffert (University of Waikato, New Zealand) , C. Coleborne

  • Law, History and Postcolonial Theory and Method


    Law, History and Postcolonial Theory and Method

    Authors: ,


This Special Issue of Law Text Culture, ‘Making Law Visible: Past and Present Histories and Postcolonial Theory’ originated with a one-day symposium at the University of Waikato titled ‘Law, History and Postcolonial Theory and Method’. The symposium sought to recognise and stimulate multidisciplinary analyses through the lenses of postcolonial theory that made visible the operation of the law at the intersections of ‘race’, class and gender from colonial times to the present. The focus was on New Zealand, other white settler societies, and Pacific nations. We set out to address questions about what constitutes postcolonial research in law and history; whether specific methodological frameworks or theoretical challenges apply to this kind of work; and whether ‘new’ methodological or theoretical approaches have been developed and articulated. Our aims were to involve a group of people in a project that explores new methodological approaches to research around the questions we pose, and to create a multidisciplinary project across history and law that allows us to create new ways of seeing, discovering and investigating these intersections.

How to Cite:

Seuffert, N. & Coleborne, C., (2003) “Law, History and Postcolonial Theory and Method”, Law Text Culture 7(1). doi:

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Published on
01 Jan 2003