Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017


Law As … IV: Minor Jurisprudence in Historical Key. An Introduction

Christopher Tomlins

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 1-29

How Strange the Change from Major to Minor

Peter Goodrich

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 30-53

Making Sense of Minor Jurisprudence

Mark Antaki

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 74-75

Manuel Quintín Lame: Legal Thought as Minor Jurisprudence

Julieta Lemaitre

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 76-99

Toward a Self-Reflexive Law? Narrating Torture’s Legality in Human Rights Litigation

Natalie R. Davidson

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 100-122

On the Magic of Law

Laurent de Sutter

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 123-142

‘Life Grasps Life’: Wilhelm Dilthey’s Minor Jurisprudence

Panu Minkkinen

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 143-164

Conditions of Carriage: Finding a Place

Shaun McVeigh

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 165-190

Law As…Forest: Eco-logic, Stories and Spirits in Indigenous Jurisprudence

Kirsten Anker

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 191-213

Legal Footprints / Legal Footprints in Redfern: A photoessay of Carol Ruff’s ‘40,000 Years’ Mural in Lawson Street, Redfern, Sydney, Australia

Olivia Barr

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 214-251

A Minor Jurisprudence of Spectacular War: Law As Eye in the Sky

Jothie Rajah

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 252-275

Law as Minor Jurisprudence: Is it a Mistake?

Genevieve Renard Painter

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017 • 276-300

Contents, Contributions and Introduction, LTC, volume 21

Christoper Tomlins

2017-01-01 Volume 21 • Issue 1 • 2017