Call for Proposals

Law Text Culture seeks proposals for special issues from potential guest editors annually. Proposals are to be provided to the Managing Editor usually by 1 May of any year, for publication the next year.

Next deadline for Proposals: 15 May 2024 for Volume 29 (due for publication in 2025).

Potential guest editors are encouraged to liaise with the Managing Editor to discuss their proposal or ideas. All submitted proposals will be considered by the Board, and its decision will be made by 1 July. The successful guest editor/s will then develop the collection for publication in consultation with the Managing Editor.

Refer to Information for Guest Editors for more information on the role and time frames.

Please note that Law Text Culture does not seek or accept unsolicited articles and it does not publish book reviews.

Content of Proposals

Proposals of no more than 1000 words should include:

  • a concise description of the proposed theme;
  • a draft call for papers setting out the aims and concepts of the issue, and how it fits within the remit of the journal;
  • an indication of the intended authors and how they are to be identified/contacted (eg whether the proposal arises out of a seminar series, conference or workshop);
  • the range of genres (eg poetry, scholarly essays, visual arts etc) expected to be included in the edition;
  • an explanation of how the copy-editing will be completed, including whether the guest editor/s will secure appropriate funding for copy-editing (usually approx $1000), or undertake the copy-editing themselves; and
  • brief details of the guest editor(s).

Information for Guest Editors

The Role of the Guest Editors

Guest editors are responsible for the scholarly shape of the special issue, and take responsibility for obtaining contributions to be included in the issue, including both scholarly and creative content (the latter in consultation with the managing editor). Articles might be sourced through an open Call for Papers, or convening workshops, symposia or conferences around the theme of the volume. Open invitations to submit will be publicised on the Law Text Culture website and through networks selected by the guest editors. If guest editors draw on other means by which contributions are solicited, there will be no publicity on the Law Text Culture website.

All scholarly articles are subject to double-blind independent peer review arranged by the guest editors, irrespective of the means by which articles are sourced. They also need to conform to the Law Text Culture style guide. Guest editors liaise with the managing editor about issue length and the length of articles. Creative contributions (visuals, art, creative writing, including cover images) will be considered by the guest editors in consultation with the managing editor. Guest editors and contributors need to obtain all relevant copyright clearance or licences for material that exceeds standard scholarly quotes and references, for images, and creative contributions. Editors need to advise contributors that they agree to licence the reproduction of their scholarly or creative contributions in print and electronic form, including databases, by the publishers of Law Text Culture.

Length and Shape of Issue

While there is flexibility built into each issue, Law Text Culture generally includes up to 10 peer-reviewed articles of around 8000 words per article (including endnotes and references). In addition, there are usually around two other forms of writing, ranging from creative pieces to personal reflective pieces, and visual art, either included as a standalone element of the collection, or embedded within the peer review articles.

Within this range, some issues have included fewer articles of longer lengths, and others included more articles that will be shorter in length to accommodate the extra articles. Within this range, articles should be no shorter than 6000 words and no longer than 10,000 (including references). Variations in the number of creative pieces and the size and scope need to be discussed with the managing editor.

Time Frames

Year Before Publication
1 May Proposals from guest editors to be submitted to Managing Editor
1 July Applicants advised of outcome.
August The successful proposal and guest editor/s will be published on the Law Text Culture website.
The guest editor/s will begin process of seeking submissions for the special issue. This process will have been set out in the proposal.
  • If an open call for submissions, the call will be publicised on the Law Text Culture website and through other venues.
  • If curated by other means eg a symposium, no open call will be made.
September Guest editors use the period of publicity or the other means by which articles are to be collected eg symposium, conference
October Potential authors provide abstracts to guest editor/s regardless of the process by which submissions have been sought.
November Guest editor/s select abstracts for invitation to submit articles. Articles are to be submitted to guest editors by 1 February of the year of publication.
Year of publication
February Selected authors submit articles to guest editors
Mar-April Review Process. Guest editors send referees reports to M.Ed and select creative pieces and visuals in consultation with M.Ed including possible cover image.
May Guest editors contact authors with outcome of review process; Guest editors in consultation with authors seek permissions to reproduce any material that may need specific clearances.
June-July Authors submit revised articles to guest editors; guest editors organise for copy editing.
August Copy editor revisions to authors for approvals.
September Guest editors pass final drafts to Managing Editor.
October Managing editor sends articles to printery; authors to receive page proofs for final check.
Nov – Dec Printers return copies to managing editors, who arrange distribution.