
Everything, Nothing, Harvey Keitel: A Review

Author: Sarah Geis (Third Coast International Audio Festival)

  • Everything, Nothing, Harvey Keitel: A Review


    Everything, Nothing, Harvey Keitel: A Review



Although producer Pejk Malinowski is originally from Denmark, and Everything, Nothing, Harvey Keitel is a project of London-based Falling Tree Productions, its premise seems cringingly American: our narrator goes to a self-help class, has an encounter with a celebrity. Which is to say, the risk of self-indulgence is high. To make it worse: the documentary takes place almost entirely within Malinovski’s mind. But these factors make it only more astonishing to hear how – through his singular voice, playful sense of humour, and impeccable sound design – Malinovski tells a story that makes the listener laugh, feel, and consider the intertwined nature of storytelling and happiness.

Everything, Nothing received highest honours at the inaugural In The Dark/Sheffield International Documentary Competition, as well as Best Radio Drama in both the 2014 Prix Europa Competition and 2015 BBC Audio Drama Awards.

Keywords: radio documentary, audio feature, Harvey Keitel, meditation

How to Cite:

Geis, S., (2015) “Everything, Nothing, Harvey Keitel: A Review”, RadioDoc Review 2(1). doi:

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Published on
18 May 2015