Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021


Editorial. Volume 15, Issue 4.

Ciorstan J Smark and Monir Mir

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 1-3

Corporate Social Performance and Use of Debt: an Examination of Australian Companies

Subba Reddy Yarram and Josie Fisher

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 4-27

Financial Reporting Quality, Corporate Governance, and Idiosyncratic Risk: Evidence from a Frontier Market

Linh T.M. Nguyen, Duyen Le, Trang Tran and Tung Dang

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 28-46

Does Corporate Governance Have a Say on Dividends in Australian Listed Companies?

Omar Al Farooque, Ali Hamid and Lan Sun

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 47-75

Analysis of Family SMEs Default Risk: the Portuguese Case

Inês Margarida Cadima Lisboa, Magali Costa and Filipa Santos

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 76-92

Human Rights from a Social Accounting Perspective in a Post-conflict Environment: The Case of Sri Lanka

Pavithra Siriwardhane and Prem W.S. Yapa

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 93-120

The Shape of Water: Analysis of Corporate Water Disclosure in Indonesia

Desi Adhariani

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 121-134

Impact of Foreign Exchange Administration Rule on the Nexus between Country-Specific FDI and Malaysian Currency

Wee-Yeap Lau and Tien-Ming Yip

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 135-152

The Moderating Effect of Audit Quality on the Links Between Stock Market Segmentations, Surplus Free Cash Flow, and Income-increasing Discretionary Accruals

Ahmad A. Toumeh, Sofri Yahya, Mohammed M. Yassin and Maha D. Ayoush

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 153-174

Stock Market Crashes in Australia: A Brief Technical Note

John Christie

2021-08-04 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 175-178

Exchange Rate, Exchange Rate Volatility and Stock Prices: An Analysis of the Symmetric and Asymmetric Effect Using ARDL and NARDL Models

La Ode Saidi, Abd Azis Muthalib, Pasrun Adam, Wali Aya Rumbia and La Ode Arsad Sani

2021-08-10 Volume 15 • Issue 4 • 2021 • 179-190