Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015


Editorial: AABFJ Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015

Monir Mir

2015-03-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 1-2

The adoption of ‘International Accounting Standard (IAS) 12 Income Taxes’: Convergence or divergence with local accounting standards in selected ASEAN countries?

Prem W.S. Yapa, Diane Kraal and Mahesh Joshi

2015-03-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 3-24

Value Relevance of Accounting and Other Variables in the Junior-Mining Sector

Casey Iddon, Samanthala Hettihewa and Christopher S. Wright

2015-03-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 25-42

Pricing Currency Options with Intra-Daily Implied Volatility

Ariful Hoque and Petko S. Kalev

2015-03-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 43-56

The Predictive Power of Financial Variables: New Evidence from Australia

Piyadasa Edirisuriya

2015-03-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 57-70

Risk-Return Trade-off in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Dhaka Stock Exchange Bangladesh

Abu T. Mollik and M. Khokan Bepari

2015-03-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 71-88

Barriers to Women’s Participation in the Accounting Profession in Java, Indonesia

A.S.L. Lindawati and Ciorstan Smark

2015-03-31 Volume 9 • Issue 1 • 2015 • 89-101