Volume 14 • Issue 5 • 2020


Editorial Volume 14 Issue 5

Ciorstan Smark and Monir Mir

2020-12-09 Volume 14 • Issue 5 • 2020 • 1-2

Directors' Monitoring Role, Ownership Concentration and Audit fees

Rabih Nehme, Amir Michael and Jim Haslam

2020-12-09 Volume 14 • Issue 5 • 2020 • 3-25

Financial Crisis: Time to Manage Earnings?

Bruno Franceschetti

2020-12-09 Volume 14 • Issue 5 • 2020 • 26-41

The Usefulness of Analysts’ Target Prices to Foreign Institutional Investors: U.S. Evidence

Ahmed Al-Dmour, Hala Zaidan and Abdulrahman Alnatour

2020-12-09 Volume 14 • Issue 5 • 2020 • 42-64

The Impact of Individual Needs on Employee Performance while Teleworking

Sonali Bhattacharya and Priyanka Mittal

2020-12-09 Volume 14 • Issue 5 • 2020 • 65-85

Macroeconomic Determinants of Financial Distress in Turkey: An Econometric Analysis

Arslan Ece and Güven Sayılgan

2020-12-09 Volume 14 • Issue 5 • 2020 • 86-107